In this futuristic science fiction thriller, government security agent Jerry Hipple has been unsuccessfully tracking the city's most infamous criminal The Red Harvest Killer. When two nomadic lovers, Katia and Gladys enter the city the death count rises and are being credited as Red Harvest killings. Obsessive compulsive Adrian, the actual Red Harvest Killer becomes furious that the sexy serial killing duo are grabbing media attention under his alias. Not only does Adrian attempt to reclaim his rightful reputation but he also decides to cleverly aid his detective counterpart through the case. All the while, killers and victims alike are unaware the world is about to reach an abrupt catastrophic ending.
NOTE: This Blu-ray Movie is Distributed Direct from SGL Entertainment and is Sold Brand New and Shrinkwrapped
Directed by: Christian Grillo
Produced by: John Michael Kent
Format: Blu-ray Full Screen
Number of discs: 1
Studio: SGL Entertainment
Run Time: 101 minutes
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